Within the production cycle of fabric or velvet, there is a very important process, even if it’s not so famous, which is called warping. It is performed before weaving and it determines its success. The warping is the operation through which the warp is prepared, which is the set of threads that later, intertwined with the weft, will form a fabric, and consists in transferring the yarn from the reels to the beam to be loaded behind the frame, ready for weaving.
The purpose, therefore, is to assemble, according to the article to be produced, a certain number of warp threads on a single beam. This operation is performed by machines called warpers.
The warpers pick up the wires from the canter (supports on which the individual yarn cones are arranged on the basis of a note of creeling) and its main task is facilitating the unwinding of the wire to avoid tangling.
This is possible thanks to the reduction combs mounted between the creel and the large cylinder called “reel” or “barrel” on which the yarn will be wrapped. The combs also have the function of keeping the even-odd threads separate, to keep the position established and compatible with the passage of the loops. The number of packages to be loaded onto the creel and the reduction of the comb to be used are chosen according to the technical characteristics of the velvet or the fabric to be produced.
The whole of the threads of the reels loaded on the creel takes the name of “flow” or “section”.
The section is then attached to the reel and wound on it for a predetermined length. The warper repeats this operation several times until it reaches the desired total number of threads.
Once the necessary wire is wrapped on the reel, it will be unloaded onto the beam and destined to the frame established during the programming phase, in order to be worked and transformed into fabric or velvet.
in 100% Made in Italy velvets
and fabrics manufacturing.